In a way, your handwritten signature is an imprint of your unique identity. This is why signing your name on an all-important document shouldn’t be done on any run-of-the-mill pen. Add an exclamation factor with every signature by signing with a luxury sterling silver pen.
When you sign off on a document using a Marlborough of England pen, colleagues will know you mean business. Our pen is made from the best quality sterling silver with a leather shaft, providing a comfortable grip for your fingertips. An equally lavish wooden storage box with interior and exterior leathering on the lid is included. The case is practically a display unit; keep it on your desk or present the pen and accompanying case as a corporate gift.
Our sterling silver pen isn’t just a writing instrument; it’s designed for making a statement when you sign off on that proposal or those acquisition papers. With pens being such an inexpensive and abundant office commodity, we designed our pen to represent the opposite – luxury, premium quality, and royalty.
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Showing 1–12 of 17 resultsSorted by latest